Every single time I purchase horse treats, I invariably wonder how easy it would be to make my own (and if any of my horses would actually eat them.)
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This week, I decided to get answers to both questions.
My horses have always liked the German Stud Muffins, so I thought I’d try my hand at making those. I searched online for recipes, found a few I liked, and combined them to meet some of my horses’ needs. (i.e., I added more flaxseed because of its health benefits, swapped carrots for pears, etc).
Following is the recipe I came up with as well as the steps I used to create my own version of these muffins:
Flaxseed Horse Muffins
- 1 1/4 steel-cut oats
- 3/4 cup molasses
- 3/4 cup flour
- 2/3 cup flaxseed
- 1/4 cup water
- 2 tbsps cornstarch
- 1 large carrot (processed in my food processor – my horses are older so these needed to be very fine)
- 1 apple (also processed in my food processor with the carrot above)
- 1 bag of peppermints
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. And grease, grease, GREASE your muffin tins if you don’t want to have to chip the muffins out of the tins. I applied 2 heavy coats of PAM and had no issues, however, when I used only 1 coat I struggled to get the muffins out of the pan.
Mix the molasses and steel-cut oats until the oats are fully coated with the molasses. Gradually add the flour, flaxseed, and cornstarch until well mixed. Add processed carrot and apple and mix well. Bake 15-20 minutes. Remove immediately from pan and cool on a wire rack.
I took these treats to the barn the next day and my horses (even the finicky eaters) LOVED them. I appreciated the fact that there was not an extensive list of ingredients and they were simple to make.
It was really fun making these Flaxseed Horse Muffins and I felt like I was doing something really special for my horses. I’m going to be making these again and next time, I’m going to enlist the aid of my granddaughters.
Just wanted to say that my horse loved these! I don’t think I will need to buy any more German horse muffins! Lol