This memoir was written by accomplished horsewoman & long-rider, Bernice End and in the spirit of full disclosure, I had not heard of Berniece, prior to reading her book. I had heard of long-riders/long-riding, watched a few movies/documentaries that chronicled each journey but my knowledge was very limited.
This book was eye-opening and filled with surprises, courage and lessons on discovering what is on the other side of fear.
Bernice chronicles her solitary journey(s) with only her horse(s) and dog through the deserts, mountains and plains of America. Not only is this a chronical of horsemanship and the bond between horse & rider, it provides a road map on overcoming fear not to mention testing your mental and physical limits.
It is truly a testament to the courage, faith and moving outside your comfort zone and facing your fears. It’s about what can be discovered on the other side of fear.
I read this book in one sitting….I couldn’t put it down. It’s not easy to find true, compelling stores that are about a subject we all love (horses) and how much they can impact us. This book and these journeys are a rare glimpse into the life of a woman who is doing just that.
Filled with humor, integrity and more than a few tears, I was truly inspired & motivated after reading this book…I think you will be too!
Until next time,